Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Any Given Wednesday

This is what my living room looks like on any regular weekday afternoon, except normally the TV would be on, and there would be two tiny zombies drooling in its general direction from on or about the couch.

Because I've inherited my mom's particular brand of "can't show anyone a messy house" crazy, I spend hours and hours cleaning and tidying and decluttering before each and every playdate, but somehow, it always devolves back into this, despite all of my efforts to the contrary.

It could be worse though. It could look like my bedroom.

1 comment:

  1. At my house we call it C.H.A.O.S.... "Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome".

    (I can't claim to have invented that - I got it from Marla Cilley, aka FlyLady.)
