Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bad Blogger, No Posty

Yeah, I got nothing. 

But it's been several days without posts and that is sad-making.  So in place of original insight and creativity, I offer you someone else's.

From Rants from Mommyland:

I identify strongly with this list, with the following exceptions:

  • Our basement is too full of stuff for there to be any kind of sleeping surface available;
  • We have a dishwasher but it's not hooked up yet (kill me kill me kill me);
  • I wish I showered as often as a prisoner;
  • I am actually, honestly, truthfully, usually able to go to the bathroom alone;
  • The only reason I'd want to find lost earrings is so that I can sell them for cash;
  • I would totally take the maid; 
  • And the Lexus.


  1. I would gnaw off my own arm for 8 hours of sleep in a row. Last night (after trying unsuccessfully to sleep through DH's snoring) I put in earplugs and slept like a rock from about 3 am until 7 am. I feel awful for using the earplugs, but I've been getting less sleep than usual lately, and I'm really feeling it.

  2. Why do you feel awful for using earplugs? Earplugs save my sanity on a regular basis. Can't live without 'em.

  3. I guess because I've trained myself to believe that I need to be available at every second. Wearing earplugs means that when Mischief sighs in her sleep, I don't immediately wake up and go to make sure she's okay, and that unless Trouble is literally standing at the baby gate shouting my name, I don't hear him. What if they really need me in the night and I don't go to them in time?
