I have a confession. (OK, I've got dozens, but this is the one you get today, world!)We go to McDonald's sometimes for dinner, and I buy my toddler happy meals. It takes her two days to finish the chicken nuggets, and some fries sometimes go to waste (because leftover fries? neh.) but the toy is ALWAYS the first thing to come out of the box. She knows to look for it when she sees the happymeal box, and goes for it no matter how hungry she is.
The toy is, really, the reason we get her the happymeal.
My beef is with McDonald's toy selection. More specifically, I have a problem with their happymeal toy gender division.
The first time I got a happymeal I was a bit surprised when they asked "boy or girl?" in response to my order. But I said "girl" and we got a super-sweet My Little Pony. In all honesty, that was why I started getting the happymeals for DM - I had dreams of a vast MLP collection that we would spend hours playing with.
Of course the next time we went, the toy was something less impressive and much more painful to step on barefoot, but that's another story.....
Yesterday I managed to look at the toy selection display that they have in the restaurant (we usually go through the drivethrough because the children are about to explode) and saw the most-recent toy DM had gotten - a little fake MP3 player that plays a clip of popsong from a nickleodeon show (she LOVES this one-button musicplayer and carries it around and dances to it.) I looked over the rest of the collection - all merch for this show, but most of it was...shiny plastic princessey crap. Gaudy toy necklace-type stuff.
Then I looked at the "boy" toys in the display. The boy toys were all things *I* would want, let-alone a toddler with a taste for adventure. The toys were SpyTech.
We've been cheated out of spy toys by gender stereotyping and I didn't even know it! By not asking what the toys were, I allowed this system of toy-dispensing to not only keep me in the dark, but pimp chunks of pink plastic to my child, while denying her night-vision goggles. For shame!
I'm not saying I'd *always* go for the boy-toys, but I would like to know what the options are. And how problematic would it be, really, to stop calling them "boy" and "girl" toy selections, and just refer to them by whatever licensed merchandising tie-in they're attached to? If asked "would you like a toy affiliated with a musical show for pre-tween, or faux spy-gear?" I know which one I'd choose. But "boy or girl?" that's just too universal and vague and ready for misinterpretation. That sort of thinking denies us tiny parabolic mics.
The moral of the story? Make sure you see what all the toys are, and get ALL THE MY LITTLE PONIES BEFORE THEY DISAPPEAR.
Heh. My kid doesn't even know that Happy Meals come with toys. The first time I bought one, the options were Barbies vs. Transformers and I found the whole gender schism so annoying that I said "neither" and the counter person said, "Okay. Cookies instead?" And I was all, "HELLS YEAH."
ReplyDeleteFor the record, my kid doesn't know that Happy Meals come with cookies, either.
Heh. It's your *duty* to protect him from the cookies. You're just being a good mom. :)
ReplyDeleteBut you passed up transformers? you craaaaaaaaaazy.