I'm afraid I may have inadvertently given the impression that I
deserve a cookie, so it's time to come clean with a little more
appropriate post for a "Bad Mommy" blog.
I love babies,
but I've also loved cats from a very young age. I remember my Mom
having a coffee date, and me playing on the floor nearby, listening to
her say "Kay knows every cat between school and home.". That was my
first inkling that everybody doesn't know all the cats on their walking route somewhere.
where babies and cats co-exist, I tend to treat them as equals. This
probably horrifies people who like to keep their pets firmly in the
non-human category. I don't mean that I would have to stop and think
about which of them to save in a fire, but in the day-to-day I talk to
them, play with them, and enjoy them in fairly equal measure.
here's where the odd part of fostering comes in. Our worker claims to
like cats, but given the way she looks at ours, I think she just says
that to be polite. She says we need to keep the cats away from the baby
at all times, but how do we separate out what is the Society's official
stance, and what is her personal opinion? Also, she's our worker, not
the baby's, so should we ask the baby's worker as well? We have a 4"
binder that's our Foster Care Manual, but the only mention it makes of
pets is the policy on banned breed dogs.
Realistically, of course, what they say goes in the big slushpile
of what has been said, and we try to make sense of it all in a bigger
framework. As you can see from the picture, though, on at least one occasion I let the baby and our young cat nap together.
I could fill up another two paragraphs with an apologia on why
this was okay on this one occasion, and defending my breaking of the
safe sleep guidelines with a comforter. But I'm going to resist the
temptation. I trust that you all know that even though sometimes in the
little things I'm a Bad Mommy, in the grand scheme of things we're all
doing the best we can, and it's generally a pretty decent job.
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