Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Opening up

I have never met a group of people so inclined to judge as mothers. Breastfeeding, co-sleeping, how creative your crafts are, what your child(ren) wear, what you feed them - all these things are grist for the mommy judgement mill, and the pressure to keep up appearances just seems overwhelming. Enter Bad Mommy, No Cookie.

I'm pretty good at being a mom - my kids are bright, healthy, relatively well-adjusted, and most of the time, have their pants on the right way around. And you know what? I let my kids watch TV. I feed them Kraft Dinner. I sometimes put them in the bath and forget that they're in there until I hear them gleefully pouring cupsful of water onto the bathroom floor. This blog is real life, not the pretty "aren't I crafty" view of parenting seen through the lens of Pinterest and facebook albums.

It is my hope that Bad Mommy, No Cookie will become a sprawling community project, but let's start with some baby steps.

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