Friday, April 27, 2012

Mine vs. Hers - Breakfast

My Toddler (let's call her Darth Molly) is a willful little dark-sider.  She used to be an easy eater who would try some of whatever food you offered her.  However, in the last couple of months - I suspect as part of Project Little-Brother-Based-Attention-Getty-Madness - she's started rejecting foods, willy-nilly.  Getting weirdly specific about what she'll eat.  It's one more way she's decided to make my life...interesting.

And I don't have time to argue with her, these days.  I don't even have time to shower - I'm going to spend my day in a series of conflicts with the shouty equivalent of an angry drunken oompa loompa?  No.  She still drinks some milk so I've been sneaking toddler formula into her bottle to supplement, and just watching for signs of jaundice or other archaic diseases.  She eats from a selection of less than 10 things, generally.  Her menu is pretty limited.  Every day she eats scrambled eggs and cheese-penguins, for instance.  She is happy with this arrangement, apparently, and frankly the best I can hope for these days is for one or two family members to be happy @ the same time.

Me, I hardly get to eat.  I'm all about maximizing nutrition and eating efficient/easy foods when the babies let me.  Also, to be honest, I eat some foods because I can eat them one-handed while nursing the boy (who we call the Professor) without dropping a *whole* lot of crumbs on his head.  I am friends with Boost, Protein Bars, and random homemade slurries of tuna, vegetables, cheese and mayo.

Anyway, this is just a preface to a photo segment I like to call "My Breakfast vs. Hers."  (and yes, that is a store-brand can of "Freedom Cola.")


  1. Mmm ... tuna slurry ...

  2. Picky eating is a developmental stage that happens in toddlerhood... I hope you aren't driving yourself crazy taking it personally, or thinking it's because of something you've done or not done!

  3. We're *all* driving me crazy, here. :). And eating bananas.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
